Design-Build Fire Station #50

Contract: $10,763,115.00             
Substantial Completion: December 2020
Owner: The City of San Diego
Architect: Naveen Waney, Platt-Whitelaw Architects

Scope: Design-Build services project for design and construction of a new three-story fire station of approximately 12,700 square-feet which will accommodate ten (10) crew members and will include three apparatus bays for a fire engine, and ambulance; dorm rooms, kitchen, watch room, ready room, station alerting system, and training classroom.  Work and services include design, construction, and startup of the project.  Project elements includes: Design drawings, project specifications, permits, presentations to community planning board, ADA, LEED requirements, public art, underground utilities, biological monitoring, archaeological monitoring, paleontological monitoring, BMPs, storm water standard manual, storm water pollution control plan, surveying, record research, community outreach, environmental investigation, site landscaping, bush management, traffic signal at Nobel Drive and related work including but not limited to median work, implementation of QA/QC and safety programs, and etc.


Fire Station 9


Del Mar Civic